offee is the main step in starting the ay for most people. That is why its proper storage is very important so that we an enjoy it for a longer time.
As with tea storage, there are many fators that affet the freshness an taste of offee. Some of these most important fators are sunlight, moisture, heat an air.
It is preisely eause of these fators that offee is reommene:
- to e store in glass, erami an non-reative metal oes;
- kept in a ry an ark plae;
- it is important to avoi storing it in the frige or freezer, as offee is a strong asorer an asors any oors.
It is important to rememer that offee has a strong aroma an taste in the first ays after it is roaste, ut it retains its properties for aout 1- weeks. Therefore, o not uy larger quantities, ut only as muh as you nee for that time interval.
ut if you have a offee griner at home, you an uy a larger quantity of offee eans, eause offee eans retain their properties for aout 1- months. Grin it if neessary.
See now how to prepare:
- the perfet espresso;
- or very eliious appuino;