»Tips»What is Dijon Mustard?

What is Dijon Mustard?

Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
What is Dijon Mustard?

Dijon mustard is made by grinding mustard seeds and there are also cases where the seeds are kept whole. This seed is of a plant, that is in the cabbage family.

One of the most famous culinary types of Dijon mustard is black, white and brown.

If you grind mustard seeds and taste them, they will taste spicy and bitter. The contained essential oils, enzymes, trace elements, proteins and vitamins play a decisive role in the taste qualities of this plant.

The substances contained in it have many healing properties and are used in medicine for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

As far back as 1747, a master chef named Dijon invented mustard by adding anchovies, sour juice from unripe grapes and capers.

Since then, there have been many variations of Dijon mustard, with some addition of garlic, black pepper, seaweed, tarragon and many other spices.

And to the question what exactly is Dijon mustard, the answer is very simple - it is ordinary mustard to which many different ingredients are added in different proportions.

What exactly is the difference between regular mustard and Dijon?

The biggest difference between regular and Dijon mustard is that Dijon is made from special seeds. They are very carefully cleaned from their outer skin to acquire a golden hue.

Dijon mustard is made from whole seeds, which are not mashed. There are French chefs who also use grinded grains, by adding various herbs and spices, honey, so that the mustard has a very good aroma and delicate taste.

To make the mustard mild, white wine is added to it, which is made from grapes instead of vinegar.

See how Dijon mustard is made. You can make a lot of salad dressings and sauces with it as well.



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