There is hardly a person who has not come across the products of black mustard, even if they don't realize it. However, everyone remembers from childhood how they were treated for colds with black mustard. Also, is there anyone who hasn't added mustard to their favorite hot dog or colorful salad?
These are the two most famous applications of black mustard, but there are many more. Let's look at some interesting facts about the application of mustard.
From Pythagoras we learn that the plant was used in ancient Greece. In ancient times it was used only as a medicine - from a remedy against scorpion stings to one for toothache.
Later, the French began culinary experiments with it. They added crushed seeds of the very spicy herb to unfermented grape juice and got the world-famous thick sauce with an exotic taste called mustard.
Among the three types of mustard seeds, black is the sharpest in taste and therefore it is more widely used. The main directions are in cooking and in folk medicine.
The use of black mustard in cooking is multidirectional. Due to its spicy nature, mustard is used as an integral part of marinades, brines and all liquids for preserving food.
Pickles in jars, autumn pickles and what not can be prepared with mustard. Even sauerkraut ferments with the help of this rather strong spice, which is added in a ratio of 1:10 (1 tablespoon of seeds per 10 liters of liquid).

It makes a good tandem with horseradish, black pepper, garlic, onion and dill. Cans of green tomatoes turn out very pleasant with the marinade in which the mustard is added. Black mustard seeds are also included in the preparation of curry.
In the western kitchen the seeds of the plant are mainly used, but in the east honors other parts of the plant in the kitchen. The leaves are added as an ingredient in fresh salads.
However, mustard is the greatest culinary achievement of black mustard. All sandwiches and snacks today have a different taste precisely, because of the mustard added to them. There are many types of this wonderful spice in food that are due to the addition of various other spices to ground mustard seeds.
In folk medicine, black mustard is known mostly as a remedy for colds. It has a warming effect and has an expectorant effect, thanks to selenium and magnesium in it.
Its anti-inflammatory properties are due to the curcumin in its composition. Different types of minerals - copper, iron, manganese and others strengthen the immune system and strengthen the body's defenses in the fight against viral diseases.
The antitumor action, strengthening the thyroid gland, the analgesic action in joint diseases are all valuable properties with wide application. Mustard healing mixture is well known in folk medicine and are still used today.
But it also remains indispensable in the kitchen and mustard recipes are many.