»Tips»How to Debone a Chicken Thigh?

How to Debone a Chicken Thigh?

Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
How to Debone a Chicken Thigh?

Deboning a chicken thigh is more than just a quick and easy process: it's a great way to cut down on actual cooking time and save money.

Boneless chicken thighs in the supermarket are always more expensive than buying ones with bone. Spend a few moments in the kitchen deboning a whole chicken thigh and you will on your way to a series of quick, easy, and cheap meals.

Use a standard, sharp kitchen knife to cut through the joint where the thigh and the stick meet. The cartilage in this joint is extremely soft, so your knife should feel little resistance.

Now the thigh is divided into pieces of thigh and drumstick. The drumstick can be deboned using exactly the same method as deboning the thigh.

Make an incision along the top of the bone. Deepen the cut, until your knife reaches the bone. The bone will be visible through the cut: it will be white and very hard.

Grab the partially separated bone and pull it up and away from the thigh, so that you can cut under the remaining bone. You will feel the bone begin to loosen from the thigh. Make the necessary cuts to remove the bone from the drumstick completely.

Cut the meat off the bone by making a few short cuts with your knife. Then use your fingers to pull the meat off the bone.

Continue slicing, until you have removed the unwanted bits of bone, tendon and skin.

Once you've deboned your chicken thighs, you can easily use the meat for The Perfect Chicken Steaks or a delicious and unique Chicken Roll.



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