»Tips»Which Are the Best Spices for Steaks?

Which Are the Best Spices for Steaks?

Nadia Galinova
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Nadia Galinova
Which Are the Best Spices for Steaks?

What can we say, except for sworn vegans and vegetarians, no one refuses a juicy and fragrant steak. And the good news for all gourmands, is that they are so easy to prepare, that even novice cooks can handle the task.

In fact, the secret of delicious steaks is in the quality of the meat and the right spices. And if the very conservative chefs tend to settle for just a little salt and black pepper, then the braver experimenters in the kitchen will go for honey, rosemary and nutmeg.

However, before you season the steak with any spices you find in the cupboard, you should know that not all spices are suitable for all types of meat. Of course, we exclude the universal salt and black pepper, which you can use to flavor both beef steaks, as well as pork neck steaks.

Beef steaks will become irresistibly fragrant with the help of basil, bay leaf, black pepper, hot or smoked paprika, curry powder, mustard, garlic, lemongrass, oregano, rosemary, sage or thyme.

"Suitable spices" for lamb chops are basil, cinnamon, cumin, curry powder, garlic, oregano, mint, rosemary, savory herb, sesame seeds or thyme.

Different types of poultry are flavored with basil, bay leaf, coriander, cinnamon, curry, garlic, oregano, mint, parsley, rosemary, saffron, savory herb, tarragon or lemongrass.

To prepare the perfectly flavored pork steaks, go for allspice, cumin, celery seeds, cloves, coriander, dill, ginger, juniper grains and savory herb.

Tried and tested recipes for steaks can be found on our website and if you really want to impress your guests or loved ones, then try our oven-baked pork steaks recipe.



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