Rooster Recipies

Looking for rooster recipies? Check out our 12 ideas for rooster recipies on Bonapeti
Sauteed RoosterSauteed RoosterCut the rooster into portions and put it in the heated lard. Add the chopped carrots and onions and stir. Add the cognac....
Homemade Stuffed RoosterHomemade Stuffed Rooster
Fill the rooster with this stuffing and sew it up. Put it in a greased oven dish and butter it all over....
Rooster with WineRooster with Wine
Heat half the butter and oil and brown rooster evenly on all sides. Add the vegetables from the marinade and stir for 5 minutes....
Rooster with CabbageRooster with Cabbage
Pour over a little of the broth and fat from frying the rooster. If necessary, add more spices....
Pressure-Cooker RoosterPressure-Cooker Rooster
Wash the rooster and cut it into portions....
Oven-Baked RoosterOven-Baked Rooster
Roast the rooster in a non preheated oven for 2 hours at {180°C.}...
Rooster with Tomato SauceRooster with Tomato Sauce
The Rooster with Tomato Sauce is ready....
French-style Rooster StewFrench-style Rooster Stew
The french-style rooster stew is served with mashed potatoes....
Free-Range Rooster with SauerkrautFree-Range Rooster with Sauerkraut
Wash the rooster and cut it into portions. Braise the separate pieces of meat in a pot with plenty of oil....
Rooster, Mushroom and Onion StewRooster, Mushroom and Onion Stew
The rooster, mushroom and onion stew is very tasty. Enjoy your meal!...
How to Boil a Rooster?How to Boil a Rooster?
In France, little roosters are revered, but in some other parts of the world rooster with sauerkraut is a real classic....
Unconventional Meatball RecipesUnconventional Meatball Recipes
The next recipe is meant for preparation in clay pots....


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