»Culinary Collections»Melon Preserves Recipe

Melon Preserves Recipe

Looking for melon preserves recipe? Check out our 12 ideas for melon preserves recipe on Bonapeti
MelonMelonBenefits of melon Melon contains an average of about 18% sugar....
Mackerel PreservesMackerel Preserves
Boil the vinegar with 2 cups of water and the salt and put the fish to boil for 5-6 minutes in this mixture. Then remove it and arrange it in jars...
Fish PreservesFish Preserves
Clean the fish, salt them and leave in the fridge for 24 hours to season. The corn, peas and beans can be canned or you can boil them yourself ahead...
Peeled Tomato PreservesPeeled Tomato Preserves
Pick out fully ripe and healthy tomatoes. Blanch them for about 30-40 sec. in boiling water. Immediately pour cold water over them and peel off the...
Green Bean PreservesGreen Bean Preserves
Wash the green beans well, clean and cut them into 1″ (2.5 cm) pieces. Pour them into 3 1/3 cups (800 ml) jars and season with the salt. Pour water...
Nettle Preserves in JarsNettle Preserves in Jars
The nettle needs to be fresh and soft. Remove any roots and. You can separate the leaves and use only them if you like. Wash the nettle thoroughly...
Old Recipe of No Boil Morello Cherry SyrupOld Recipe of No Boil Morello Cherry Syrup
The resulting morello cherry juice is very aromatic and healthy, I prepare it in a cold way, that is, without boiling, so that it preserves its vitamins...
Melon CompoteMelon Compote
The melon releases its own juice....
Melon JamMelon Jam
Clean the inside of the melon of rind and seeds. Cut it into small cubes. Put the melon in a pan and sprinkle with sugar and vinegar....
Melon SorbetMelon Sorbet
Shear melon, remove the seeds and peel and cut it into pieces. Mix the melon pieces with sugar and a squeeze of lemon juice....
Melon LemonadeMelon Lemonade
Peel the melon and remove its seeds. Cut it into larger chunks and blend them....
Melon GazpachoMelon Gazpacho
This cold soup can also be called Melon Gazpacho. The Spaniards serve it with jamon cubes....


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