How to make
This syrup is suitable for the youngest of kids because it's really tasty and aromatic. They won't frown at it but will instead take it.
The ingredients are all natural, and the syrup itself has a soothing effect. Feel free to combine taking this syrup with other forms of treatment. It's preferable to prepare any and all remedies, syrups and elixirs in a glass or enamel container.
Cut the Turkish delight into small cubes. Put them in boiling water along with the onions and quince seed parts. Crack open the walnuts without mashing them. Add them to the other ingredients.
Boil the liquid for 15 min., then lower the heat and leave to simmer until liquid is reduced by half.
The Turkish delight and onions will have melted, while the syrup will have taken in the aroma from the quinces and geranium.
Strain it and leave it to cool.
Take it 1/2 cup (120 ml) of it 4 times a day before or after meals. Continue taking it for up to 2 weeks. It's only contraindicated for children with diabetes.
Tips: Besides remedies and elixirs, grandma would place coals from the oven on a metal shovel. She would prepare a square piece of wool, then place the coals onto frankincense. The piece would get smoky on both sides and then she would place it on the child's breast while still hot.