How to make
This is my way of making popper peppers:
Wash the peppers, dry them and brandish their entire handle, by simply snapping it off. Dice the garlic and dill.
For popping, use a non- stick pan, as it is faster and easier.
The ready ones are placed in a saucepan and covered to keep warm, while you pop the entire lot.
Once done, immediately put them in jars and to each, add chopped dill and garlic. Pack them tightly. When you fill the jars properly, pour them full of vinegar, then drain the vinegar into a pot, one by one, holding them in such a way that the peppers do not fall out.
Top up with a little vinegar, to compensate for the loss during the rinsing of the filled jars. Make brine by adding salt to the vinegar - 1 teaspoon per jar, if they are smaller and 1 tablespoon table spoon if they are bigger.
Place the same amount of sugar, you may put more, if you have very hot peppers. You can add a little bay leaf, which you can then pull out later.
Boil the brine, when done- immediately pour over the peppers and close the jars tightly. Leave them turned upside down for 12 hours, then bring them in.