How to make
First put 3 eggs and the carrot to boil.
Meanwhile, put the mince in a large bowl, to it add 2 eggs, the very finely chopped green onions and old onions, finely chopped parsley, savory, cumin, 2 tbsp of breadcrumbs, salt, black pepper and baking soda.
Knead the mince well and leave it to sit for at least 30 min. in the fridge.
Once the eggs are boiled, cut them into 4, the carrot into 6 if it's too large, as well as the pickles into 4 pieces.
Smear the cake form with oil and 1 tbsp breadcrumbs.
Spread out 1/2 the mince along the bottom of the form.
Then arrange the pickles in a circle on top. On top of them place the eggs and carrot.
Place the rest of the mince, pressing lightly on the sides so it sticks well.
Sprinkle 1 tbsp breadcrumbs all over on top.
Put to bake in a preheated 360°F (180 °C) oven for 50 min. or until ready.
Once ready, invert it and serve with a garnish of your choice.