How to make
Before we prepare this appetizing pan-fried rice, first, we need to prepare our ingredients.
Wash the meat, remove the skins and fat /if you wish/ and cut it into small cubes. Put it in the refrigerator with cling film.
Wash the mushrooms, peel them and cut them into slices. Clean and finely chop the leeks.
Clean the pepper from the seeds and also finely chop it. Crush the garlic and cut it into slices.
Heat the oil and butter in a pot and add the garlic. Leave it to stew, until it releases its aroma.
Then add the pepper and mushrooms. Once they are also stewed, add the rice and stir until it becomes transparent.
Add 3 cups of water, both types of broth, the spices and mix.
Finally add the turkey, mix well and add more salt, if needed.
Cook under a lid until the dish is ready. Finally, pour some of the rice with the meat into a plate and sprinkle with the finely chopped sprigs of parsley.
Enjoy this Turkey with Rice and Mushrooms!