»Recipes»Health»Tea»Healthy Wild Strawberry Tea

Healthy Wild Strawberry Tea

last modified:
Sevdalina IrikovaSevdalina Irikova
Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
Healthy Wild Strawberry Tea
Image: Sevdalina Irikova
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I made it
5 min.
20 min.
25 min.
"On a cold winter day, there is no better way to warm up than with a cup of warm wild strawberry tea, which is also very good for the body."


  • strawberry leaves - 2 tbsp. finely chopped
  • wild strawberry flowers - 1 tbsp.
  • water - 2 cups (500 ml) filtered
  • honey - for sweetening

How to make

The taste of the strawberry tea, sweetened with honey from wild herbs, is wonderful and aromatic.

This is a very suitable drink for cold winter days.

Pour two tablespoons of finely chopped leaves and flowers with 500 ml of boiling water.

Boil for 3 minutes.

Leave them to soak for 15-20 minutes. The decoction is strained and 120 ml of it is drunk 3 times a day, 15 minutes before eating.

The wild strawberry tea can be taken as a prophylactic and you can enrich the taste by adding dried strawberry fruit to the decoction.

That way the drink is full of flavor.

A decoction of strawberry leaves and flowers expands peripheral blood vessels, lowers arterial pressure, slows down the rhythm and increases the amplitude of heart contractions.

It strengthens the contractions of the uterine muscles, which is why it is used for gynecological diseases.

With their superior taste qualities, the fruit of the wild strawberry are a valuable dietary product, because they speed up the metabolism.

In addition, the herb speeds up the metabolism and is anti-inflammatory for gout, kidney stones, bladder and gall bladder.

It also has a diuretic effect.

Due to the content of tannins and flavonoids the leaves of the wild strawberry have a good effect for diarrhea.

Folk medicine also recommends the drug for colds, headaches and neurasthenia.

The fresh fruit are also used as a medicinal remedy.

Both the leaves and fruit contain iron and other trace elements, being a good remedy for anemia and avitaminosis.

They are recommended for high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, anemia, constipation, gout, uterine bleeding, etc.

They are also used as a mild diuretic for kidney stones, gout, diarrhea, liver inflammation, etc.

It has been proven that these juicy and aromatic fruit prevent the occurrence of cancer due to the high content of vitamin C and reduce the risk of diseases of the intestinal system. They are a rich source of flavonoid antioxidants, second only to blueberries.


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