Spring is the season in which we must cleanse our body of toxins. Lettuce salads and spring vegetables are perfect for this.
Lettuce and spinach are full of vitamins, plus they aid in healing certain diseases. Garlic, onions and radishes must also be a part of our daily menu during the spring months. Parsley and dill as well.
A lettuce salad has a more specific function. It helps to improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract and to stimulate the liver.
Lettuce is a plant found in temperate climates. It is cultivated mainly for its leaves, which are used for food. In many countries, lettuce is eaten cold, without heat treatment.
Besides being used for salads, it is used as a garnish for hamburgers, as well as being added to many other dishes. Lettuce leaves are used as a garnish for dishes with roasted, fried or boiled meat.

Lettuce contains less protein, fat, carbohydrates and mineral salts in comparison with spinach. It is valuable during spring, since then our bodies are highly deficient in vitamins.
6 of the most important vitamins (A, B, C, D, E, G) are found in the salad. In addition, there are lecithin, calcium, iron and phosphorus salts. Your body will appreciate them, since they are needed for the function of the endocrine glands.
Lettuce salads have a slightly bitter taste. This is due to the glycoside lactucin, found in the milky substance of the stem and leaves.
Lettuce salad is usually eaten in combination with other vegetables - radishes, onions, cucumbers. It is seasoned with vinegar, oil, yoghurt or cream.
According to studies, juice from a lettuce salad is extremely healthy for breast-feeding babies, since it increases growth rate and protects against diseases. The salad soothes the nervous system. Further, it increases milk production in nursing mothers and strengthens the reproductive system.