Haver you ever asked who discovered hot peppers? Some say Christopher Columbus made peppers known to the world. In his campaigns in the new continent America back in 1492, peppers were cultivated and widely grown by the natives - from Mexico - south throughout South America.
The diversity of varieties chillies is great. We will discuss the most common.
Aji - this variety originated from Peru. Fresh are green or red in color, and dried are yellow, with a sharp peak. Their length reaches 8-12 inches. Although delicate in appearance, they are extremely hot. Used for traditional dishes, pickles and sauces.
Anaheims - they are elongated green and red colored peppers from California. In immature form are pale green and in full maturity are fiery. They are medium to very thick, up to 15 cm in length. Immature pepper is used for sauces and dishes of stew, sliced or stuffed. Ripe - in the same way, but also for baking and curing.

Habanera - small variety, with a hint of tropical fruit. Their origin is from the Caribbean. This kind of peppers are very spicy. Used to prepare sauce, marinade and chutney.
New Mexico - the variety is known as the long green pepper. They are hot, reaching 25 cm long, has a sweet and earthy flavor. Ideal for preparing green sauces and stews.
Poble - this is one of the most popular varieties in Mexico. Dark green in color peppers, a purple-black shade and pointed tip. With little pungency, reaching 12 cm in length. These peppers are always boiled or baked, never eaten raw! Preferred for making stuffed peppers.

Tabasco - bright orange in color, small and thin variety originating in Louisiana and Latin America. Have a sharp peppery taste with a hint of green onion or celery. This kind of peppers are a trademark of the Tabasco sauce. There are numerous applications in cooking, and also in the formulation of certain cocktails.
All types of chili are a good source of vitamin C. Their composition presents vitamin B6, vitamin A, folate, potassium and lots of fiber. Their taste due to the chemical compound capsaicin, which is not influenced by any heat treatment. You should be aware that the smaller the pepper, the more spicy. This is because small peppers have much more seeds and veins as compared to larger, namely, there is 80% of the concentrated content of capsaicin.
When shopping choose formed, firm, glossy peppers. Avoid soft, wrinkled ones, which have cracks or stains. We recommend that you store them in the refrigerator because it will retain its freshness longer. Chili peppers are more durable than sweet. Before use, wash thoroughly to remove any wax that covers the surface.