Rather than bake apples in the oven just as they are, add a little sugar and you can create a true culinary masterpiece. Apples and apricots with cheese are prepared with fresh curd, beaten rub until it looks like a cream.
The apricots are soaked with hot water and drained, then cut into small pieces. Mix the cream cheese, apricots, sugar and beaten yolks. It's filling. If you have no fresh apricots, you can use apricot compote.
The apples are washed, upper part severed and then use a teaspoon with a sharp edge to remove the core. The fruits are filled with stuffing and roasted.
You can make apples to surprise children. Kids will love this dessert. You need apples, prunes and nuts. The apples are cleaned from their skin and their middle removed.

The plums are soaked with hot water to soften them. The kernels are poked, prunes and plums are inserted in the apple. Sprinkle each apple with a teaspoon of sugar and place the fruits on a plate.
You can prepare caramel apples. For this purpose, cut the apple into slices, if desired, with their skin on. Then insert in caramel for a second and sprinkle with chopped walnuts.
Apples baked with blueberries, are made by cutting the apples in half and removing the seeds. In the cavity formed, shove some blueberries.
Then the apples are sprinkled with sugar and put in a preheated up to one hundred and eighty degrees oven. You can decorate these with a cocktail cherry.
If you want to invent your own new culinary masterpieces, such as apples full of various nuts and fruits, you may. Garnish with whipped cream and pour chocolate topping on.