There are few people who do not love fresh Mediterranean cuisine and especially the Greek salad that is loved by all of us. And have you ever thought about what a Greek salad cannot be prepared without in order to call it "Greek"? Without olives. The fruits of those delicate trees that grow everywhere in the Mediterranean.
Just how we can't go without certain foods in our country, the Greeks cannot sit at the table without olives.
A lot has already been written about the benefits of olives, as well as the olive oil that is prepared from them, so we will move on to a more interesting topic that is not so much discussed. Namely - about the benefits of olive pit decoction.
It has been proven that if you regularly take olive pit decoction, you will support the functions of the digestive system, strengthen your metabolism and cleanse your intestines. This makes it extremely useful for people suffering from diabetes, as well as for those who suffer from obesity.
Olive pit decoction has an excellent detox effect because it helps cleanse the body of toxins accumulated in it. And we know that toxins are everywhere around us, including in the air we breathe.
Olive pits are a good preventive measure against kidney and bladder stones, but they also work well for lung diseases, asthma, shortness of breath, etc.

It is not very clear why, but crushed olive pits also help those suffering from mumps, for which it is known that there is no medication. They are ground and wrapped around the lymph nodes on the neck with the help of an old towel so that the swollen area can go away faster.
Just keep in mind that olive pits make a mess, which means you should keep your pillows away from the towel, which you will have to throw away after you heal.
So eat as many olives as you like, but use their pits too. To make olive decoction you just need to let 60-70 pcs. olive pits boil in 1 l of water.
Then reduce the heat and wait until the liquid is about 700 ml. Strain it, wait for it to cool and take 3 tsp. morning and evening. So that you are not unpleasantly surprised - the decoction is very bitter, but nothing prevents you from mixing it with your favorite tea or juice.
Find out how to make olives less salty and how to bread olives.