»Articles»Curiosities»The Most Delicious Types of Mussels

The Most Delicious Types of Mussels

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Nadia Galinova
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Nadia Galinova
The Most Delicious Types of Mussels

These few types of mussels are undoubtedly some of the most delicious that can be found on the European market.

Grooved carpet shell (Ruditapes Decussatus)

One of the most delicious mussels. It is expensive because of its specific taste, texture and because of its ease of handling when cooking. Ruditapes Decussatus has a wonderful aroma. It is consumed both raw and grilled. Although these mussels should be consumed freshly purchased, they can also be stored in the refrigerator for a few days, wrapped in a damp cloth. They go well with bean dishes, potatoes and rice.

Black mussels (Bivalvia)


They are very tasty and are characterized by their intense seafood flavor. They are usually steamed and are suitable to be served with a little lemon or white wine. They are delicious in filo pastry pies, stewed with potatoes or peas. They are a delicacy in the Galician region and are usually prepared with a touch of lemon and parsley. They are consumed both as starters and in main courses. They are large, dense and meaty. Cooked with saffron /it can be just a pinch/ they are incredibly delicious, and the saffron gives the broth for the mussels a beautiful golden yellow hue.

Coquilles Saint-Jacques

Coquilles Saint-Jacques are one of the favorite dishes for seafood lovers. They originate from France, where in the Middle Ages the servants of Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle collected them to hang on their clothes. In this way, they marked themselves as visitors to this place. Nowadays, these mussels are a highly valued food product, present in many remarkable dishes.

Razor Clams Navajas

Razor clams (Navajas)

These are a little more special clams. They have an elongated shape, and their taste is similar to that of sea snails. Razor clams have soft and delicate meat. In appearance, the mussels resemble razors. They can be used frozen or fresh. The best way to prepare them is on the grill or stewed with garlic.

Aromatic Mussels with Garlic and White Wine

Required products:

Mussels - 24 pcs.

olive oil


garlic clove

bay leaf

dry white wine - 1/2 cup

sweet paprika

chopped parsley


Preparation method:

Cook the mussels in a pot with plenty of water and salt, so that they are free from the sand. Once cooked, take them out.

In a suitable pan with a little fat, fry the finely chopped garlic and onion, when they start to turn brown, add the bay leaf, the 1/2 cup of white wine and the sweet paprika. Let it simmer for a few minutes and add the mussels. Let them cook until done. Finally, sprinkle the finished mussel dish with parsley.

Oysters (Ostras)

To open these oysters, you must hold them in your hand with a towel and use a special knife. The best way to consume them is to open them and eat them raw. You can add lemon, white wine or vodka.
