Fat Burning Foods

Plamena M.Plamena M.
Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
Fat Burning Foods

Yes, there really are foods that not only fight fat, but also help burn it.

In reality, everything we eat speeds up our metabolism. It usually takes 30-40 minutes before the body begins to digest the food eaten. This process costs it a certain amount of energy and burns calories accordingly. Therefore, depending on what you have eaten, the high or low amount of calories that are used for digestion also depend on it.

For the digestion and absorption of proteins, the body uses up to 25% more energy than the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates. For this absorption, the body needs the least amount of energy and the fats are digested very slowly that way.

So logically there are foods that cost the body more fuel than others to process. Some of them even have negative calories. They are the ones that can help you burn fat.

They cost the body more energy to digest and absorb, than is actually contained in them. Here's which ones they are:


They contain the highest percentage of pectin - the substance belonging to the group of soluble fibers. They burn fat and reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol.

Apple Cider Vinegar

It has the ability to trigger the genes that are responsible for producing enzymes that help our body burn fat.

Pears and sweet peppers

They contain large amounts of flavonoids, which are natural plant compounds with a strong effect on fat destruction.


It is among the foods that burn fat the fastest. It contains the ingredient allicin, which has an antibacterial effect and helps reduce cholesterol and "bad" fats.



The lycopene they contain is a powerful antioxidant, which also gives them their red color. It has the wonderful property of creating a feeling of satiety after taking a small amount of food. This way the appetite decreases.


They are heavy food that make us feel full and helps us stop eating. By eating one carrot before each meal for a week, you can lose up to half a kilogram.


In addition to the large amounts of vitamin C, they have the ability to burn calories, as the fiber in them helps to quickly burn "bad" fats.


The fiber in it burns fat and the low calorie levels only help with this.


Weight loss foods

It contains a lot of iron and has high nutritional qualities without being caloric.

Low-fat milk and yogurt, white cheese

There is a real connection between high calcium levels and improved body condition.

Oatmeal and barley

They are the best way to get rid of the annoying belly fat and muffin top, with the help of the fiber in them.


Eggs burn fat

With the help of the proteins contained in them, they help you lose weight and melt fat in different ways.

Walnuts and almonds

Most important in them are the "good fats", fighting the bad ones. Together with fiber and protein, they can increase the insulin sensitivity of the body, which leads to the rapid absorption of glucose, by avoiding accumulation in fatty deposits.


These seeds are one of the most powerful weapons for burning excess fat, as they contain lignans.



Omega-3 fatty acids suppress hunger and help to keep the feeling of fullness longer.

Green tea

The catechins contained in it accelerate the metabolism and help increase the rate of fat burning in the liver. It goes well with physical activity.

Among the delicious recipes that you can prepare with little fat and eat without regrets are:

- spinach soup - add some nuts or seeds for a complete taste;

- poached eggs - garnish them with steamed vegetables;

- shakshuka - a unique tasty dish with tomatoes;

- apple strudel - prepare it with rice husks and with honey to make it less caloric.



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