Do you often suffer from constipation? If so, it is imperative that you take active measures to address this issue.
The next 15 foods, that we will talk about, are natural diuretics. They can help you relieve the symptoms of constipation as well as many other intestinal diseases. Before you start following your doctor's prescriptions, try to include these laxatives in your diet.
Raw fruit
Bananas, apples, melons and many other fruit are rich in fluid contenet, which helps the body "wash away" toxins. They are easily absorbed by the stomach and are high in antioxidants, fiber and vitamin C.
They are recognized as a "natural laxative". They are rich in antioxidants, vitamin A, potassium, iron and fiber. Prunes supply beneficial bacteria to the guts and this way become a good addition to any colon cleansing diet.
Raw apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is one of the best natural laxatives. It can help improve the activity of the "lazy bowel" and also removes toxins from the body faster. Apple cider vinegar contains potassium, pectin, calcium and many other useful substances.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is one of the oldest known medicinal plants. Its leaves contain 99% water, the remaining 1% has at least 75 known nutrients. You can also drink aloe vera juice regularly. Stores are now full of a variety of brands.
Chili, ginger and turmeric
Foods, which contain the above spices would help with good digestion and will act as a laxative. Turmeric in particular is considered a spice that helps detoxify the liver by stimulating the release of enzymes, which remove carcinogens from the body.
Citrus fruit: lime, lemon and orange

These citrus fruit help the most for detoxification. They help the digestive tract with the release of enzymes in the cleansing process.
Raw vegetables
Like raw fruit, raw vegetables act as laxatives. Their high fiber content helps regulate bowel movements. Buy onions, carrots, artichokes, broccoli, cabbage, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, beets, garlic and cauliflower.
Tomatoes are rich in vitamins C, A and K. They are a good laxative. They are high in lycopene - an antioxidant, which protects against colon and prostate cancer.
Omega-3 oils
Sources of Omega-3 fatty acids are hemp, flaxseed, avocado and olive oil. They purify toxins and are exceptional laxatives.
Green leafy vegetables
Blue-green algae, barley, bitter melon, wheat, kale, spinach, dandelion, beets, alfalfa, mustard, arugula and other similar vegetables act as natural laxatives and are high in fiber, calcium, magnesium and folic acid. In addition, they contribute to the increased bile flow.
Coconut oil

The healthy coconut oil improves the digestion and bowel functions. It reduces inflammation and keeps the tissues resistant.
Avocados contain plenty of useful nutrients - fiber, potassium and folic acid. Eat one avocado a day and you will intake about 30% of your daily fiber needs. The fruit helps against cancer of the mouth, breast and prostate cancer, improves skin tone and the absorption of nutrients from other foods.
Broccoli sprouts
They are rich in antioxidants, which help stimulate detoxifying enzymes in the digestive tract. The sprouts are more effective than the vegetable itself.
Raw nuts and seeds

Include more seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds, walnuts, hemp seeds, sesame seeds, chia seeds, Siberian cedar nuts and sunflower seeds in your daily menu. They are rich in fiber, vitamin E, protein, zinc and other essential nutrients.
Peas, beans and legumes
They are high in fiber and protein and low in fat and cholesterol. They are highly recommended for constipation problems.
Nutritionists say, that you should not forget to drink plenty of water!