Sesame seeds give the body many useful substances, but the body has difficulty absorbing them because of the hard shell of the seed. Therefore, processing them in the form of tahini is the right way to make them easy to intake. Sesame tahini is a versatile food that is used in both sweet and savory dishes.
There are two types of tahini, from peeled and unpeeled seeds. The one from unpeeled seeds fully preserves the nutritional value of the seed and the one from peeled seeds is deprived of some useful nutrients, but is recommended for consumption in certain conditions.
Choosing sesame tahini as a main or food or as an ingredient in a dish is an opportunity for the body to get supplies of extra iron. Only 30 grams of sesame seeds contain 3 times more iron than beef liver, juicy as a food with a very high iron content.
The phytosterols in sesame seeds are more than in all nuts and seeds and this is an important condition for lowering the cholesterol in the blood. It also has an anti-cancer effect.

The health benefits of sesame tahini also include the richness of the minerals phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and lecithin.
Methionine in sesame is useful for liver detox in humans.
Calcium, vitamins E and group B, alkaline minerals have benefits for many organs and systems in the body.
Sesame tahini promotes healthy cell growth, prevents iron deficiency, keeps the skin healthy and muscles toned. Supports weight loss, because as a food it is extremely easy to digest and carries a lot of unsaturated fats.
The fatty acids in sesame tahini are a stimulus for nerve tissue and this has a beneficial effect on the brain health. Omega-3 fatty acids improve thinking and memory and the manganese content improves brain function.
Studies show that antioxidants in sesame tahini can prevent the formation of amyloid plaques in the cerebral cortex, which are a characteristic feature of Alzheimer's disease.
By lowering the cholesterol levels thanks to omega-3 fatty acids, cardiovascular problems are successfully treated.
The content of iron, selenium, zinc and copper in sesame tahini makes it a natural immunostimulant. Lignans, which are chemical compounds similar to natural estrogen, bind to estrogen receptors and reduce the risk of hormone-related cancers.
Thanks to calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, sesame tahini strengthens the bones and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

Sesame tahini does not contain harmful ingredients, no added sugars, harmful chemicals or preservatives and can be eaten on its own, with salads, purees, sweets, as a spice for soups and vegetables.
It is a great food, high in calories and delicious, so do not deprive yourself of a few spoons of sweet tahini or delicious hummus if possible, because one of the main ingredients in this eastern spread is the healthy sesame tahini.