»Culinary Collections»All About Thickening Agents

Beat the yolks with the yoghurt and flour.
Carefully temper it with broth from the khash and pour everything into the pot with khash.

Next, scoop a little of the soup and add it to the thickening agent mixture in a thin trickle, while stirring nonstop....

Heat the oil, braise the finely chopped onions and coarsely grated carrot in it. After 3-4 min., add the flour, stir and add the finely chopped tomatoes...

Boil the finely chopped onion head and diced carrot in a pot with a little water.
Once the vegetables soften, add the dock (sauteed ahead of time...

Once the thickening agent is ready, pour it into the rest of the soup and stir well....

Return this thickening agent back to the pot and stir well. Season with the savory, black pepper and chopped parsley....

Pour water into a large pot and leave it to boil, put the whole chicken in and add salt. Leave to come to a boil again and remove the foam if needed...

For the thickening agent, beat the yoghurt and egg in a bowl and pour some of the broth in while stirring nonstop....

Take ladles of the hot soup and add it to the thickening agent, while stirring nonstop....

Put it on low heat, while stirring nonstop, until the thickening agent comes to a boil....

Thickening agent: Beat the yolk with the yoghurt and vinegar. Take the soup off the stove....
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