White or brown, whole grain, blanched, with short or long grains… Basmati, glutenous, Himalayan, dessert… and more, and more - from Asia, from Africa, from Europe and one that is grown in our lands. Rice exists in so many variations and varieties that it is unlikely that someone will have the time to list them, read about them and memorize them.
So here is a short selection of some of the types of rice that you should definitely try:
Baldo Rice
Baldo rice, although less well known, is rapidly gaining momentum due to the variety of its uses in the kitchen. It is extremely tasty and looks incredibly good after any method of preparation. This type of Italian rice is recommended not only for risotto, but also for various types of appetizers and oven cooked food. Like other types of crystal rice, it can be used even in rice salads.
Its grains are large and translucent, rich in starch and have a large capacity to absorb liquids, which is a perfect quality of rice.
Baldo rice is best when boiled with water in a ratio of 1:3.5. Once cooked, it should stand for 5-10 minutes to absorb the aroma of the other ingredients.
You can store it under vacuum or in a glass or plastic container because it is very susceptible to moisture.
And keep in mind that in addition to liquids, rice absorbs aromas as well as the smells of all its "roommates" in the refrigerator.
Arborio rice
Arborio rice is a rice with smaller grains that bears the name of the town of Arborio in Italy, where it originates. It has an amazing creamy texture that makes it extremely suitable for risotto and paella. But its taste is defiantly appetizing, so it can be served on its own. Of course, it is also part of many other rice dishes such as rice pudding.

For its optimal taste there is a special ratio between rice and water, which averages about 1:2.5. For two servings, for example, half a cup of rice and one cup of water flavored with a teaspoon of butter and half a teaspoon of salt are enough. For four servings, the ratio is a cup of rice with two cups of water, 2 teaspoons of butter and a pinch of salt.
For 6 servings you will need a cup and a half of rice and three cups of water, a tablespoon of butter and a spoon and a half of salt.
To achieve the perfect taste, Arborio rice should be left on a heated hob for about 15-20 minutes until it absorbs the water.
Carolina rice
Carolina rice has semicircular and semi-long grains. It has yellow highlights, but turns white when cooked and has the exceptional ability to absorb fat. This makes it very suitable for dishes cooked in the oven, as well as for sarma. This type of rice is preferred by many masters of cooking and because of its incredible quality that not to stick. Because of it, it is ideal for a topping and salads.
Carolina rice does not need soaking, just rinsing is enough. Boil for no more than 10 minutes and the ratio of water should be one cup of rice to two cups of water. The best role for it is as a side dish to other dishes.
To prepare four servings of it, you need to use 14 oz (400 g) of rice, one liter of water or broth, along with a little salt. Boil the water or broth, add rice and salt. Leave it to boil over low heat until the liquid is absorbed.