»Tips»How to Make a Beef Bone Broth?

How to Make a Beef Bone Broth?

Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
How to Make a Beef Bone Broth?

A broth is a liquid rich in various substances and minerals, which are good for the human health, extracted from the prolonged boiling of meat, bones and/or vegetables.

Bone broth is obtained by prolonged boiling of animal bones. The bones used are those, which are unsuitable for cooking. It is good to use 65% flat bones and 35% tubular to get a nice beef broth.

The bones needed to prepare this elixir should first be baked in the oven for about half an hour, then placed in a deep pot to boil. Four liters of water are needed to prepare one liter of beef bone broth and the water must be at least one finger above the level of the bones.

First, the pot is placed on a heated hob, which is turned on to the maximum temperature. The resulting foam is removed and the hob temperature is reduced to the first or second stage. Put a lid on and boil the broth for 20-24 hours on very low heat.

After it cools down, strain the broth and distribute it into jars.

It does not last long, so it is recommended that the beef bone broth is sterilized or frozen.

You will easily recognize a quality beef bone broth, because it starts to turn into jelly when it cools down. This is due to the collagen in it.

This elixir has proven valuable qualities. It is an excellent remedy for colds. It is good for the skin and joints and it strengthens the immune system. Last but not least, it add an irresistible taste and aroma to beef dishes, beef soup, beef meatballs or beef kebap.



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