»Tips»How To Clean A Dock Vegetable Plant?

How To Clean A Dock Vegetable Plant?

Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova

With the arrival of spring, the first leaves of dock plant leaves come out. It is tasty and healthy and in villages it is found in every garden and every yard.

The dock contains iron, vitamins and is therefore are recommended for anemia. It can be cooked in dock stews, baked in the oven, boiled in a rice soup, dock with lamb, chicken with dock, pork and there are many other ways to include it in our menu.

Dock is recommended as a diuretic, for improving digestion, for anemia, helps with constipation and even protects against cancer.

Its beneficial properties are many, but people prone to kidney stones, need to be careful with its consumption.

It is good for a novice cook to know how to clean a dock leaves. This is quite easy, but it is important to do it, so that you do not add any stringy stems in the dock dish you're making.

In a large pot, put the dock you've bought or picked and cover it with water. It is good to leave them in the water for 20 minutes, so that all the grains of sand or dirt fall off them. Wash under running water and strain them well. You can also wash them leaf by leaf - you can choose how to clean dock.

It's time to remove the thick stems and veins on the leaves. They are hard and they shouldn't be cooked and they're certainly not pleasant, so carefully remove them.

You can stew the cleaned dock, make a soup, make a dock pie, make omelets and whatever you like, the choice is yours.

If you have a large amount of dock, you can store it in bags in the fridge or blanch the dock and strain it and place it in bags in the freezer, so you can have this wonderful leafy vegetable over the winter months.

There are many types of dock, but the most common is ordinary dock, but be careful - there is also Arum maculatum and it is toxic! The two types of dock are similar, but not related, so be careful.



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