»Tips»How to Stew Zucchini?

How to Stew Zucchini?

Yordanka KovachevaYordanka Kovacheva
Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
How to Stew Zucchini?

Zucchini are one of the most common and consumed vegetables by many people. There is simply almost not a person, who does not eat them in one form or another - in countless dishes, appetizers, soups, purees, stuffings, salads and even desserts.

Roasted, fried, stewed, boiled and even raw, zucchini go well with almost everything in a wonderful way.

Here we will focus specifically on one of these culinary methods - stewing zucchini, or in other words - we will describe how to stew zucchini.

Apart from the fact that it is very healthy to prepare fresh products by this method, it is also easy, quick and tasty.

For zucchini, it is recommended, that they are not peeled, in order to maintain their shape. Young and tender zucchini are used for this purpose, as the larger ones are tasteless, have seeds, thicker peel and different textures.

Cut them into cubes and put on a moderate heat with a little fat and salt, necessarily under a lid. For 1.1 lb (500 g) of zucchini, you need about 1.1 oz (30 g) of fat, which can be butter, oil, olive oil or another one of your choice.

The stewing technique generally uses liquid - water or broth, but in this case, for zucchini, it does not need to be added, they release enough. If we add water, there is a risk that a boiling process will happen and we will not get the desired result.

From the liquid separated from the vegetables, by stewing them under a lid, a kind of steam/liquid cycle is obtained, which cooks the product in a wonderful way, making them tender, soft and tasty.

The duration of cooking zucchini is short - 4-5 minutes are enough, but you must also consider the size and thickness of the pieces.

In order to flavor and enrich stewed zucchini, you can use practically everything from spices and combinations of other vegetables or meat. This is due to the more neutral and unpretentious taste of zucchini and the ability to absorb the aromas of other elements with which it is combined. For example, a great option for stewed zucchini is the addition of garlic, parsley, dill.

When cooking with other vegetables or meat, in order to stew the zucchini properly, you need to add them at a later stage, as they will cook much faster than, for example, carrots, potatoes, celery.

If your diet does not allow the use of fat, you can always stew zucchini with a little broth, without overdoing it, so that they do not boil.

You can see for yourself how easy and simple it is to stew this popular vegetable and turn it into a tasty and healthy dish or zucchini garnish.

Good luck and enjoy!



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