»Tips»Peanuts During Pregnancy

Peanuts During Pregnancy

Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
Peanuts During Pregnancy

We assume you know that walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds are extremely good for pregnant women, because they have many and varied benefits for our body and the body of a growing child. This, of course, is if the woman carrying the child is not allergic to peanuts.

For peanuts, however, the opinions are contradicting. There are scientists who claim that they are useful during pregnancy, while others say that their consumption should be limited.

Are there any contraindications to the use of peanuts?

If you're not allergic, eating peanuts while you're pregnant is not a problem, most experts say. Like all nuts, peanuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and protein. Plus they are very satiating and help with nausea during pregnancy;

Pay attention during pregnancy!!

Like all other nuts, peanuts are quite high in calories. It is advisable not to consume too many of them. No more than 20-30 grams per day is recommended. Peanuts have another unpleasant property - they bloat, which is not pleasant either during pregnancy or in general.

When peanuts are roasted, they lose most of their useful properties. However, according to some experts, while they're roasting, it prevents some harmful microorganisms from entering our body because the high temperature destroys them. It is also important that the roasted peanuts are unsalted, especially during pregnancy.

- There are many claims that peanuts consumed during pregnancy are more harmful to pregnant women than useful. But there are opinions that show the opposite. Therefore, we advise you to be careful.



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