Tea is a magical drink that warms up the body and has a number of health benefits. It reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack, supports brain function, strengthens the immunity, has anti-cancer effects, helps with anxiety and insomnia and strengthens the condition of teeth.
These are just some of the reasons why everyone should drink at least a cup of tea a day. But when is the best time to drink tea and can we drink it in the evening? This healthy drink can be drunk at any time of the day, so in the evening you can also enjoy a cup of tea.
Of course, we must pay attention to what tea we will make in the evening, because some types have an invigorating and energising effect and can interfere with our sleep. Therefore, avoid black and green tea in the evening. It is best to bet on one that acts relaxing and adjusts the body to sleep. Such teas are fruit and herbal - from strawberry, cherry, lemon balm, St. John's wort.
Among the best soothing herbal teas are linden tea, mint, valerian and others. Whatever tea you choose, know that it is a very healthy drink that gives you energy in the morning and calms you in the evening and helps with good sleep. Add a teaspoon of honey and enjoy the amazing taste.