How to make
Boil water for a few minutes and let it cool to 100°F (35°C). Pour 4 1/5 cups (1 liter) of water in a wide-necked bottle or jar and add the yeast and sugar.
Grate the apples without removing their peels and seeds. Add them all gradually to the bottle. Make 2 slices of toast and crumble them into pieces. Add them to the bottle, add the rest of the water, close the cap well and leave for 24 hours in a sunny, or warm place.
The next day, strain the mixture, then put it in the bottle again. Add sliced apples and a little sugar. The more sugar you put in, the higher the resulting alcohol by volume percentage.
Close the cap and let the bottle sit for 2-3 days. Then strain again and return the mixture to the bottle.
Add the raisins, close the bottle and put in the refrigerator. The next day, the apple cider should be clarified.
You can use the residue at the bottom for your next dose of cider.