How to make
I make this homemade chili sauce every summer and have it for the whole year. Easy, economical and very spicy.
For the recipe, I use homemade small red chili peppers, which I dry in advance on a tray with rice paper in a cold or cool place and in a shade, so that they retain their color longer.
I clean the dried chili peppers from the stems, mix them with olive oil and coarse sea salt in a glass jar with a lid and mix intensively. Note, that the sea salt will not completely dissolve in the olive oil, but will only gradually flavor it. If you wish, you can add as much fish oil as you like, since it adds a very pleasant fishy aroma and adds flavor to the sauce.
I put the mixture in the refrigerator and after a few days the chilies have released their aroma and spicy taste in the olive oil. It's best to stir it occasionally to speed up the process.
It is kept in the refrigerator and does not spoil for a whole year or longer (so far I have not had it spoil or change its taste qualities), only its taste becomes richer and more intense. When you use up a bit of it, you can add more olive oil to have more of it a bit longer.
Before use, take it out for 5 minutes at room temperature, because in the cold in the refrigerator, the olive oil slightly freezes and hardens.
It is suitable for seasoning dishes with all kinds of meat, for vegan dishes, for soups, pasta, fish and it's even delicious for spreading on toast.
The homemade chili sauce with olive oil is ready.