Leftover Ham Recipes

Leftover Ham Recipes

Looking for recipes and dishes with ham? Bonapeti has 576 leftover ham recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner with ratings, pictures and reviews which can be easily sorted by different criteria.
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Fried Cheese with Ham Fried Cheese with Ham
Anelia TerzievaAnelia Terzieva11757
Potato Meatballs with HamPotato Meatballs with Ham
Rosi StoyanovaRosi Stoyanova1k13112
Carrot and Ham SaladCarrot and Ham Salad
Rositsa IvanovaRositsa Ivanova35868
Avocado and Ham SaladAvocado and Ham Salad
Elena TodorovaElena Todorova4153108
Spaghetti Carbonara with HamSpaghetti Carbonara with Ham
Rosi TrifonovaRosi Trifonova2k10224
Roasted Potatoes with HamRoasted Potatoes with Ham
Rosi StoyanovaRosi Stoyanova1k13112
Microwaved Ham with VegetablesMicrowaved Ham with Vegetables
Sevda AndreevaSevda Andreeva275267
Potato Bake with HamPotato Bake with Ham
Fat BertaFat Berta9428148
Ham and Cheese Quiche Ham and Cheese Quiche
Hrana za DushataHrana za Dushata1349
Ham and Cheese Lavash Ham and Cheese Lavash
Kulinarna mrejaKulinarna mreja16549
Ham and Cheese Omelette Ham and Cheese Omelette
Yordanka KovachevaYordanka Kovacheva3k3502
Breton Galette with Ham Breton Galette with Ham
Yordanka KovachevaYordanka Kovacheva3k3502
Stuffed Eggs with HamStuffed Eggs with Ham
Rosi StoyanovaRosi Stoyanova1k13112
Cauliflower and Ham Casserole Cauliflower and Ham Casserole
Mina DimitrovaMina Dimitrova15221
Potato Rolls with HamPotato Rolls with Ham
Elena Stefanova JordanovaElena Stefanova Jordanova295145
Potatoes with Cheese and HamPotatoes with Cheese and Ham1
Rosi TrifonovaRosi Trifonova2k10224


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