Usually, poppy seeds are used in bakery goods and small sweets - sometimes they are simply sprinkled with them. We have chosen recipes in which the poppy seeds are placed in the dough itself.
The first recipe is easy and relatively quick to make. Here are the required products:
Turkish delight cookies with poppy seeds
Ingredients: 3 cups flour, 1 teaspoon baking soda, 1 cup oil, 1 cup water, 2-3 tablespoons poppy seeds, lemon zest, 3.5 oz Turkish delight, a pinch of salt.
Preparation: Put the oil and water in a suitable pot on the stove. Once the blend comes to a boil, immediately remove from the stove and put in the baking soda and a pinch of salt. Then pour in the flour and lemon zest, stir well until the blend thickens and you get a dough. Once kneaded, leave the dough to cool well.

You can put the poppy seeds into the actual dough if you like. Another option is when you begin to form balls, make a small indentation on one side and place a piece of Turkish delight and poppies. Then bake in a moderate oven until the balls redden. Once baked, you can roll them in powdered sugar.
The next proposal is for biscuits with an orange flavor. You will need a packet of butter, it needs to be softened, which to then mix with the already stirred together 1/2 cup powdered sugar, 1/4 cup corn starch, 1 cup flour and 1/2 cup salt.
Next, add the rind of 1 orange, finally grated, along with 1 tablespoon poppy seeds. Knead the dough well and leave it in a cool place to sit for about an hour.
Then roll out a sheet from the resulting dough - about 1/2″ (1 cm) thick. Cut out the desired shapes, then pierce each one with a fork. Heat the oven to about 320°F (160 °C) - put in the oven dish, covered with paper towels and in which you have arranged the sweets.
Keep in mind that after about 10 min, the sweets will be ready - it is enough for them to redden on the bottom and you can then remove them. Transfer them to a suitable container using a spatula and let them cool completely before eating.
For complete satisfaction, when it's finally time for tasting, you can make a flavorful linden tea as an addition.