»Articles»Cooking Tips & Tricks»The Secret to a Juicy Homemade Pizza

The Secret to a Juicy Homemade Pizza

Jana G.Jana G.
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pizza recipes

Juicy homemade pizza can be prepared by the correct approach to the creation of the base and toppings.

The perfect dough for pizza must be no more than a quarter inch thick, and the edges should be about 0.8″ (2 cm) thick, but no more.

In order for the pizza to become juicy and for the dough to absorb the toppings, the dough must not be rolled out but rather pulled with your hands until it becomes round and thin. Allow it to rest and then put in the oven.


But before that, the dough is smeared with tomato sauce, along with the toppings as well, and that’s how you get a really juicy and delicious homemade pizza. To make the perfect succulent pizza, we need the following items for the dough: 2 1/2 cups flour, 1 cup hot water, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1/2 a cube of yeast. For the toppings: 9 oz of minced or finely chopped peeled tomatoes, 2 cloves of garlic, 4.5 oz mozzarella, 1 bunch of basil.

On a table, pour the flour and make a well in the middle of it. In the center of this well put salt, olive oil and yeast. The water is gradually added and the whole thing is stirred thoroughly.

Once the dough thickens, knead for 10 minutes for it to become elastic. Cover with a cloth, and let it sit for 30 minutes. Heat the oven to 480°F (250 °C).

The garlic is cut into small pieces and fried, add the tomatoes and half a bunch of basil, finely diced. Add some salt and black pepper to taste, mix everything, reduce the heat on the stove and stew the topping over low heat for 20 minutes.

The dough is kneaded again and a circle is made. You can divide the dough in half and make two separate pizzas. Is not necessary for the base of the pizza to be a perfect circle.

home made pizza

Spread the pizza topping on top - it is not a necessary to pre-smear with tomato sauce, as it is part of the topping itself.

The topping is distributed so that 0.4″ (1 cm) of space remains to the edge of the dough. On top, place sliced mozzarella and the remaining basil - in petals. Bake for 10 minutes.

You can make a juicy pizza with bacon. Ingredients: 12.5 oz pizza dough, 3 tomatoes, 2 tablespoons tomato paste, ½ teaspoon dried basil, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 egg, 2 oz cheese, 3.5 oz of bacon.

The tomato paste is mixed with the basil and 1 tablespoon olive oil and then the mixture is applied to the base of the pizza. Distribute the sliced tomatoes and thinly sliced bacon on top. Beat the egg with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and pour it over the pizza. Sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake for 20 minutes at 390°F (200 °C).
