»Articles»Useful Advice»Top 20 Healthiest Fruit on the Planet

Top 20 Healthiest Fruit on the Planet

Nadia Galinova
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Nadia Galinova
Healthy fruit

Fruit are considered the healthiest food, which we should consume daily for the good condition of our body.

However, their beneficial properties are not equal. Some of them possess stronger ones than others.

We have collected the 20 healthiest fruit on the planet in one place. Here they are:

The most healthy fruit: grapefruit

1. Grapefruit – one of the most healthy citrus fruit. It is widely used in various diets, as it helps to lose extra weight and maintain a good physical shape. It also prevents kidney stones as well as high levels of insulin and cholesterol in the body.

The most healthy fruit: pineapple

2. Pineapple – the richest tropical fruit in vitamin C and magnesium. Thanks to its other useful elements, it has wonderful anti-inflammatory properties. Reduces the risk of cancer.

The most healthy fruit: avocado

3. Avocado – unlike any other, a fruit rich in healthy fats and potassium, not carbohydrates. It has a beneficial effect on cardiac activity.

The most healthy fruit: blueberries

4. Blueberries – rich in useful substances and antioxidants. They strengthen the immune system, improve memory, protect the body from diseases.

The most healthy fruit: apple

5. Apples – fruit rich in vitamins, fiber and antioxidants, the consumption of which reduces the risk of diseases and improves digestion. They are known for their pectin content, which has a positive effect on metabolism.

The most healthy fruit: pomegranate

6. Pomegranate – the most healthy fruit you could find. Rich in antioxidants and beneficial substances, it is a preventive measure against various diseases, including cancer. It has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

The most healthy fruit: mango

7. Mango – A vitamin C bomb, this fruit is high in antioxidants and soluble fiber. It protects the body from diseases and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Strawberries are also healthy

8. Strawberries – rich in antioxidants and beneficial ingredients. Their intake affects blood sugar levels and protects against a number of chronic diseases.

Blackcurrant is very healthy

9. Cranberries – they are abundant in useful substances and antioxidants. What distinguishes them from other fruit is that their juice stops urinary tract infections.


10. Lemon – a citrus fruit known for its high content of vitamin C. Preventive measure against heart disease and kidney stone formation. It is used as a means of losing extra weight.


11. Durian – a fruit rich in antioxidants, vitamins and healthy plant substances.


12. Watermelon - the fruit with the highest water content. Rich in antioxidants, vitamins A and C, helps to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure.

Top 20 Healthiest Fruit on the Planet

13. Olives – contain a variety of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They reduce the risk of osteoporosis, cancer and heart problems.

Plums are very healthy

14. Plums – a fruit with a high content of vitamins, antioxidants and other useful substances. It reduces the risk of chronic diseases. It has an anti-inflammatory effect.


15. Orange – one of the most popular fruit, rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It protects the body from a number of problems, such as anemia and kidney stones.

16. Bananas – a healthy fruit rich in vitamins, pectin and plant compounds. Their peel is extremely healthy. They control blood sugar levels and digestion. They make the body feel full and full of energy.

Top 20 Healthiest Fruit on the Planet

17. Red and purple grapes – a fruit rich in vitamins and nutrients that protects the body from diseases and infections.

Top 20 Healthiest Fruit on the Planet

18. Guava – high in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. It has an anti-inflammatory effect. It helps prevent some types of cancer. Contains pectin.

The most healthy fruit: papaya

19. Papaya – a fruit rich in antioxidants and nutrients. It has a good effect on digestion. Reduces the risk of cancer.

The most healthy fruit: cherries

20. Cherries – apart from being very healthy, they are distinguished by their content of melatonin – an element that contributes to better and quality sleep.
