Due to its feminine name, cardamom in South India was nicknamed the "Queen of Spices". Cardamom is an exotic spice, which is immensely used in Eastern cuisine and also in the treatment of certain health ailments. In taste, cardamom is a spicy spice with a strong aroma. It belongs to the Ginger family (Zingiberaceae). The Latin name of cardamom is Elettaria cardamomum.
Cardamom is a perennial plant that reaches a height between 1.80 and 3.60 meters. It forms green seed pods which are dried and the seeds are used in the culinary world whole or ground. The color of the seeds varies from green-brown to black and artificial white seeds. Green cardamom is considered to be of the highest quality and most expensive, while brown cardamom is considered inferior. White cardamom seeds are considered the most aesthetic. They are obtained after peeling black cardamom.
History of cardamom
Cardamom is an ancient spice, being well known in India hundreds of years before the new era. This specific spice originates from the tropical jungles of India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Sumatra. According to official records, it was first imported into Europe around 1200, but the truth is that cardamom appeared on the Old Continent with the trade caravans from the East to Ancient Greece and Rome.
Even Hippocrates wrote in his works about the essence of cardamom. He describes a plant that grew in southern India and reached Ancient Greece and Rome thanks to trade with the East. Even in the initial stages of it becoming popular, cardamom was famous for its various benefits for humans. Besides its fame as an aphrodisiac, it was also used in the perfumery industry. In the Middle Ages it was banned by the church, which defined it as too voluptuous for the priests.
Today, cardamom is grown in Nepal, Thailand and Central America and 60% of the world's cardamom production is exported to Arab countries - South-West Asia and North Africa. Cardamom has a very strong, specific and unique taste, accompanied by a very strong aroma. It is best to store cardamom whole in the pods, as the seeds quickly lose their aroma after grinding.
Composition of cardamom
Cardamom contains large amounts of calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium and phosphorus. It contains vitamins B1, B2 and B3. Among its active components are camphor, nerolidol, linalool, bornyl acetate.
Cooking with Cardamom
Cardamom is quite an expensive spice. It ranks second in price, only to the spice saffron and some believe it to be third, being overtaken by vanilla. On the other hand, a few grains of cardamom are quite enough to flavor the whole dish. Cardamom is used in Indian cuisine and Asian cuisine whole or ground. Instead of grinding the beans, whole split pods are often used in cooking.
Ground cardamom is the main ingredient of curry. It is a trademark of the Middle East to put cardamom in coffee, and in other countries like Iran they use it in tea. It is a special honor in Bedouin culture to treat your guest to coffee with cardamom. In India they add it as an ingredient to herbal teas called Yogi tea. The Indian state of Sikkim is the first in the cultivation and production of the spice in the country.

Because of its strong taste and aroma, cardamom should be used in small amounts. In Scandinavian cuisine, it is a favorite when preparing baked dishes. In Arabic cuisine, it is used to flavor both local sweets such as the oriental halva and savory rice and meat dishes known as pilaf.
In India, cardamom is a must-have ingredient for curries and garam masala. Although cardamom is less known in Europe, it is also widely used in Germany, where it is used to flavor sweets. The Scandinavian countries remain the largest European importers of cardamom. There, the eastern spice is used to season both cakes, breads and baked goods, as well as some types of sausages.
Benefits of cardamom
Cardamom, in addition to being a unique spice for cooking, is also used as medicine. According to the ancient Hindu teaching of Ayurveda, cardamom has the power to make the human character kinder, so that it knows how to avoid conflicts and forgive insults. Through its use, conflicts in the family are overcome and tolerance for unpleasant people is built.
Cardamom also removes obsessive thoughts about unnecessary purchases, says Ayurvedic teaching. According to Indian folk medicine, cardamom cures irritable stomach, sore throat, migraine and in combination with milk and honey - impotence. Just a pinch of cardamom in coffee and tea changes the drinks radically, as they become far more invigorating, energising and after that act as an aphrodisiac.
In Bulgarian medicine, they use cardamom in small quantities as an effective gas expeller. In Asia, it is widely used to treat oral infections, throat problems, lung problems, stomach disorders and even eyelid inflammation. It is also used for kidney and gallstones and as an antidote for snake bites.
Cardamom Tea
Cardamom is a spice used mostly in food. However, several eastern cultures also use cardamom in teas. Cardamom has an extremely strong aroma that usually overpowers other spices. This strong aroma comes from the oils present in the seeds of the spice. The supposed health benefits of cardamom come from these oils. Why is cardamom tea so popular and what are its spices?
Improves digestion
According to the Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, herbalists have used cardamom as a digestive aid for centuries. Additionally, the University of Maryland Medical Center points to cardamom as a possible herbal remedy for stomach parasites. However, you should consult a doctor before using cardamom as an herbal remedy. Cardamom tea helps treat flatulence, heartburn, stomach pain, indigestion and cramps.
Toxicity in your body can occur as a result of what you consume and also as a result of the environment in which you live. Detoxifying your body regularly can remove some of these toxins. According to the Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, cardamom tea can help your body get rid of waste. These wastes can prevent your body from functioning properly. By eliminating these wastes, cardamom tea can benefit the circulatory and digestive systems and help the kidneys and liver.
Helps clear secretions
According to the Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine, drinking warm cardamom tea will release the camphor oil and help clear secretions like phlegm and mucus.
Other benefits of cardamom tea
Cardamom has several additional benefits. The aromatic property of cardamom can also help relieve the symptoms of halitosis, not only in the mouth but also in the stomach. Women can also use cardamom as a mild pain reliever to quell symptoms associated with PMS.

Cardamom oil
Cardamom is widely used and celebrated as an all-purpose spice around the world. Let's talk about its essential oil ingredients and its impressive health benefits.
The health benefits of cardamom essential oil are listed below.
Relieves spasms
Cardamom oil is highly effective in treating muscle and respiratory spasms, thereby relieving muscle spasms and spasms, asthma and whooping cough.
Prevents microbial infections
According to a 2018 study published in the journal Molecule, cardamom essential oil has very strong antiseptic and antimicrobial properties that are also safe. If used as a mouthwash by adding a few drops of this oil to water, it disinfects the oral cavity of all germs and removes bad breath. It can also be added to drinking water to kill the microbes it contains. It can also be used in foods as a flavoring agent, which will also protect them from spoilage due to microbial action. A mild solution in water can be used to bathe while disinfecting the skin and hair.
Improves digestion
It is the essential oil in cardamom that makes it such a good digestive aid. This oil boosts digestion by stimulating the entire digestive system. It keeps the stomach healthy and functioning properly. It helps to maintain the proper secretion of gastric juices, acids and bile in the stomach. It also protects the stomach from infections.
Strengthens the metabolism
Cardamom essential oil stimulates your entire system. This stimulating effect also boosts your mood in cases of depression or fatigue. It also stimulates the secretion of various enzymes and hormones, gastric juices, peristaltic movement, circulation, this way maintaining proper metabolic action in the body.