Lemons are extremely healthy citrus fruit, very rich in vitamin C. However, as we well know, even the most healthy things should not be overdone, because some unwanted side effects can occur.
Many people take advantage of the health benefits of lemons by drinking it in the form of a juice mixed with a glass of water. This is a very great habit, but it is possible for the more sensitive stomach to become irritated.
Most people usually drink water with lemon juice in the morning before breakfast. This can seriously damage the health of the stomach. The most common ailments are stomach heartburn.
If you overdo it with the lemon juice, the risk of developing gastritis and even ulcers is seriously increased. Therefore, if you have any stomach problems, it is best to consult a doctor before consuming lemons and lemon juice.
To avoid stomach problems, you can eat a lemon when you have eaten or in combination with honey, which softens its sour taste. In addition to stomach problems, lemon water can cause frequent urination and consequently dehydration, as well as damage to tooth enamel and sensitivity can occur in the teeth.