»Tips»How to Thiken ream Soup?

How to Thiken ream Soup?

Viktoria NeikovaViktoria Neikova
Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
How to Thiken ream Soup?

ream soups are some of the most favorite ishes for many people, thanks to their smooth an reamy teture.

ut what o we o when the soup eomes too liqui an oes not meet our epetations? Thikening ream soup is easy an an e ahieve with a few simple tehniques that will help you get the perfet onsisteny.

Here are a few ifferent methos that you an use to thiken ream soup without losing its flavor:

Using Potatoes

Potatoes are an eellent way to thiken ream soup. They have a high starh ontent, whih gives the soup thikness an smoothness. To use potatoes, simply ut a few meium potatoes into small ues an a them to the soup. oil them along with the rest of the ingreients until they soften. Then use a lener or fork to mash them until smooth. These mashe potatoes will give the soup the esire reamy onsisteny.

reamy Ingreients

Aing reamy ingreients like ream, ream heese, or oonut milk is an easy way to thiken ream soup an give it a rih teture. These ingreients will not only make the soup thiker, ut they will also enhane its flavor. For a lighter version, you an use yogurt or onense milk instea of ream. These ingreients also a reaminess without aing too many alories, whih is helpful for people who want to keep their meal lighter.

Using Flour or Starh

Another popular metho for thikening ream soup is to a flour or potato starh. To o this, in a small owl, mi 1- talespoons of flour or potato starh with a little ol water to reate a paste. A the miture to the soup in small portions, stirring onstantly to prevent lumps from forming. Let the soup ook for another 5-1 minutes until it thikens. This is a quik an effetive way to thiken the soup without hanging the flavor of the soup too muh.

lening the Ingreients

lening some of the ingreients in the soup is one of the est ways to thiken it while still preserving the natural flavor of the soup. One the soup is ooke, use a lener or foo proessor to puree it until smooth. You an puree all of the ingreients or just some of them, leaving some larger piees for teture. This metho is espeially useful for vegetale soups, as it will preserve the eliious flavor of the ingreients an make them smoother an thiker.

Aing Rie or Lentils

Another great way to thiken a ream soup is to use rie or lentils. These ingreients will not only a thikness, ut they will also enrih the flavor of the soup. To use rie, simply a a small amount to the soup an oil it along with the other ingreients. One the rie is ooke, it will give the soup a reamy teture that oes not require pureeing. Lentils an also e use in the same way, offering aitional nutritional enefits.

Fin out how to freeze soup, as well as what oul e the reasons why soup turns sour.

e sure to try our reipes for gorgeous potato ream soup, this amazing rooli ream soup or pumpkin ream soup.



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