31 Jan.
Rosi Trifonova
31 Jan.
Rosi Trifonova
31 Jan.
Rosi Trifonova
PlantainPlantain is a plant of the genus of annual or perennial herbs, or shrubs. Types of plantain. Healing properties of plantain.
31 Jan.
GeraniumGeranium is an evergreen subshrub with deeply slashed leaves and pink flowers with a very specific flavor. Geranium is used fresh, because drying herbs loses much of the flavor.
29 Jan.
SteviaStevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) is the sweetest gift of nature that exists. Stevia is a sweetener and healer, with a completely natural origin.
28 Jan.
HopsHops /Humulus lupulus L. / are a perennial herb with a long creeping rhizome. Hops improves digestion, is diuretic and stimulates appetite.
28 Jan.
ElderflowerElder (Sambucus) is a genus of dicotyledonous plants, comprising about 30 species. Elder is a laxative and diuretic, helps lower fever.
28 Jan.
TansyTansy is a herbaceous perennial plant that has a branched stem up to 1. 5 meters tall. Tansy has 1 essential oil, which has a characteristic odor resembling camphor.
28 Jan.
AvensAvens is a perennial herb that reaches a height of one meter. Avens has been known under the name rabbit step. Benefits and application of Avens.
28 Jan.
SpleenwortSpleenwort /Asplenium Trichomanes L. / is a perennial plant that grows in the cracks of rocks in the highland zone. Types of Spleenwort.
28 Jan.
MelilotMelilot /elilotus L. / is a biennial herbaceous plant of the Fabaceae family. Melilot may be found under the names big Aster, yellow and honeys melilot. Types of melilot.
28 Jan.
LinnLinn, also called teardrop, is an annual herbaceous plant that belongs to the Linnic family. Linn is rich in B group, A and C vitamins.
28 Jan.
BearberryBearberry /Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Asteraceae/ is a small thorny shrub. Usable part of the bearberry are its leaves.
28 Jan.
LindenLinden is a very common herb that is widely used in medicine and perfumery. Types of Linden. Linden leaves are effective against hair loss.
26 Jan.
ColtsfootColtsfoot /Tussilago farfara/ is a perennial herb that belongs to the Asteraceae family. Collection and storage of coltsfoot.
26 Jan.
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