»Culinary Collections»Rabbit With Stuffing
Roasted Rabbit with StuffingStuff the rabbit and stitch it closed. Put it in a baking pan, pour the wine and oil, sprinkle with pepper and salt....
Roasted Rabbit with Stuffing and Potatoes
With the resulting fried stuffing, we stuff the rabbit, then sew it up....
Rabbit Legs with Stuffing
Place the rabbit legs on a cutting board and carefully put stuffing in them. Put both sides together and wrap them with thread....
Chicken Rolls with a Stuffing of Eggs and Peppers
Serve the chicken legs with a garnish of mushrooms and a piece of lemon. Sprinkle with finely chopped parsley....
Eggplant with Stuffing
Take them out and cover with finely grated cheese. Bake another 15 min. Before serving, sprinkle with finely chopped dill....
Rabbit with Vegetables
Stir together the flour with the savory, paprika and pinch of salt.
Cut the meat, oil it lightly and roll the pieces in the mixture....
Rabbit with Yoghurt
The whole rabbit is cleaned, the insides are boiled and made into stuffing with the rice....
Rabbit with Prunes
Pieces of rabbit meat are topped with a mixture of red wine, vinegar, bay leaf and thyme....
Rabbit with Garlic
Portion the rabbit and wash it. Season the rabbit pieces with salt and black pepper....
Rabbit with beer
Dip, smear, or brush the rabbit pieces with it, then sprinkle the portions with salt and pepper....
Rabbit with Bacon
Add soft cheese and let the sauce boil, season further if necessary, and pour it over the rabbit....
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