»Culinary Collections»Cooking of Pork

Cut the pork meat into slices about 1/2″ (1.5 cm) thick but not all the way through - leave them attached at the bottom....

Arrange them at the very bottom of a glass cooking tray.
Arrange the steaks on top, season with salt and pepper....

Before treatment of young asparagus, you should cut a small part of the stems, but just before cooking them....

Since it is a vegetable, it can be used for cooking vegetarian meals and during fasting....

Clean and wash the green beans. Cut them in 2 and put in a pressure cooker. Add the chopped carrots and pour in 12 1/2 cups (3 L) water. Close the...

To make the pork shank even tastier and more tender, marinate it before cooking....

Clean and wash the veggies. Chop them coarsely and put them in a deep tray or clay pot.
Cut the meat into slices and add it to the veggies, pour...

Pour 8 1/3 cups (2 L) of water in a pot and put it to boil.
Cut the butter into small cubes, put them to boil....

Arrange in a deep pot, at the bottom of which you've spread out an old towel. Pour in water to a level of 3 finger widths above the caps....

Remove and place them into a plate and cover the fish made on a cooking plate with a mixture of garlic, parsley and olive oil....
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