How to make
The protagonist of this otherwise simple and classic salad will be the balsamic reduction. To prepare it at home, we need mainly and only high-quality balsamic vinegar, but if desired, you can also add more flavors such as garlic, rosemary, cloves. We will prepare a little more than we need for one salad, as it can be stored in a bottle and used for other occasions.
Place a small pot with the balsamic vinegar and desired flavors over moderate heat. Boil, until the liquid is reduced by half, then remove the garlic, rosemary and cloves (if you used them) and leave it on a low heat for a few more minutes, until it thickens to the desired consistency.
Stir occasionally throughout the process and if necessary, lower the heat to prevent burning on the bottom.
Wait for the reduction to cool and pour it into a bottle.
When you taste it, you will see that the acidity of the vinegar is gone and you have an authentic balsamic reduction with slightly sweet flavors.
For the Caprese salad peel the tomatoes with a special peeler. Cut into slices and do the same with the mozzarella.
Arrange it at a slight angle, by alternating tomato, mozzarella and so on until you run out of the products.
Sprinkle with salt, coarsely torn fresh basil leaves, olive oil and the balsamic reduction you made for the Caprese salad.
Enjoy your meal!