Homemade Yellow Cheese with Herbs

last modified:
Yordanka KovachevaYordanka Kovacheva
Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
Homemade Yellow Cheese with Herbs
Image: Yordanka Kovacheva
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I made it
20 min.
20 min.
40 min.
"The herbs will make this yellow cheese even more fragrant and delicious. Good luck!"


  • milk - 1.3 gal (5 liters) sheep's milk
  • salt - 5 tbsp.
  • citric acid - 2 sachets
  • yeast - 1 tbsp. for cheese and yellow cheese (optional)
  • rosemary - 4 cloves
  • thyme - 4 twigs
  • oregano - 3 tbsp.
  • hot paprika - optionally, in flakes
  • herbs - by taste

How to make

The milk that is used as an important part for making great homemade yellow cheese. In this case, it is best to make homemade, waxed and freshly strained sheep's milk.

It doesn't have to be sheep's, but it will definitely make the cheese better.

The milk is boiled in a water bath and stirred periodically so that it does not lump up on the bottom and burn, although when we boil it in a water bath, this is almost impossible.

I use a large, wide pot with lower walls (2 gal (7.5 liters) capacity), in which I pour two and a half fingers of water. Inside I put the pot of milk, which is narrower and taller and has a capacity of 3 gal (12 liters) (fill it less than halfway).

When the milk boils, add salt and stir. Let it simmer for 4-5 minutes and then add the yeast, but it is not mandatory, because even with just citric acid, the yellow cheese can still be made.

After a minute, add the citric acid crystals. Stir for about 5 minutes, but not too long, so that it can lump up well.

If you notice that the lumps are small and not enough, then remove the pan from the water bath and place it on the stove directly, but over a moderate heat, so that there is no danger of it burning.

This way you will notice how it boils very quickly (it is difficult to boil in a water bath) and pieces of yellow cheese stand out and separate, and the whey begins to look clearer.

The contents of the pot are poured into a wet cheesecloth, placed onto another large container to drain the whey into it. Tie two by two the ends of the cheesecloth and allow it to drain until it drips just a little, but it is still hot. You do not have to wait for the yellow cheese to cool down, because then you will not be able to give it a different shape than the one it has already taken in the in the cheesecloth and it will not be easy to make the layers with herbs.

If you have special molds, even better. In them, the sheep's milk cheese is simultaneously drained and takes a good shape.

When transferring it into the bowl or mold, add a layer of still soft, warm yellow cheese, sprinkle it with herbs and hot paprika and again a layer of yellow cheese until you run out of products.

For this amount of milk, it is better to make two smaller ones than one large one.

The finished homemade yellow cheese with herbs is left to stand for a day and is ready for consumption. It can be eaten as soon as it cools down completely, but it is still best to wait.

Good luck!


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