Whey is a natural milk serum, the by-product of the production of various dairy products. It is also known as milk permeate.
Whey is obtained after casein (one of the proteins found in milk) curdles. It looks like a semitransparent liquid with a whitish color.
Composition of Whey
Milk whey consists of 93.7% water but the remaining 6.3% contain the best components found in milk. The main part of the dry substance of whey is lactose (milk sugar).
Whey contains valuable proteins which in turn contain amino acids. The biological value of proteins in whey is very high - an entire 112.
Whey contains little milkfat, which is easily digestible and increases the activity of enzymes. The composition of whey includes a full set of group B vitamins, vitamins A and E, choline, nicotinic acid. Whey is rich in probiotic bacteria, magnesium and calcium.

Cooking Whey
Whey can be used to make various cocktails and desserts. Whey left over from cottage cheese preparation is strained and can be mixed with vegetable and fruit juices, as well as with different herb extracts. Whey is used to make pancakes and delicious breads.
Other Uses of Whey
Besides in the kitchen, whey is used to fatten animals, fertilize soil, to make dried whey, to manufacture protein concentrates, to produce lactose, which finds wide use in the food and pharmaceutical industries, to make biogas.
Whey is part of the process of obtaining biologically active substances, for making single-cell proteins.
Benefits of Whey
Whey is exceptionally good for human health. It aids in various digestive diseases, slows down gas formation and decay, normalizes intestinal microflora.
Due to the high amount of group B vitamins, whey can definitely serve as a calming drink. Whey-based drinks have a positive effect on the emotional state.
Whey contains many water-soluble vitamins, meaning it can protect the body from vitamin deficiency, which is extremely important whenever fruits and vegetables are absent from the dining table.

Whey plays a key role in therapeutic foods, especially for the elderly. Eating whey before meals can reduce the stomach secretion of hydrochloric acid.
The proteins from whey are used to make children's food because their composition is similar to that of mother's milk. It is also recommended for people who have weight problems, for reducing obesity and as a prophylactic for overweight individuals.
Nutritionists recommend 1 glass of whey to start the day. This fortifies the immune system and helps rejuvenate the body, the secret of course lying in its unique composition.
Whey helps to overcome the desire for sweet foods, while regular consumption of it increases serotonin, improves blood circulation and fortifies the nervous system. Milk whey is recommended for rheumatism, hypertension, angina, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and others.
Beauty Treatments with Whey
Whey not only maintains good health but also has excellent effects on the hair and skin. More and more whey-based products are being used in cosmetics. Small molecule proteins are also found in whey, they regulate the growth and recovery processes of cells.
It also has an antioxidant action which slows the aging process. Its regenerative properties make milk whey a truly valued cosmetic product.