The Morello is a small tree that originates from Europe and Asia. Small, dark red to black Morellos, born from this tree are acidic and are mostly used in cooking.
The tree grows to a height of about 13-30 feet (4-10 meters), has highly split branches and Morellos are born on short stems.
Morellos were grown as early as 300 BC by the ancient Greeks. They are also popular among the Persians and the Romans carried these fruits to England before the first century. They remain to this day known around the world, particularly in Iran.
The cultivation of Morellos became very popular in Britain in the early 16th century. Up to 1640, there are more than twenty different types of cherries. By the time of World War II in England known for more than fifty different cherry crops. Nowadays very few crops are grown for commercial purposes.
Composition of Morellos

Morellos contain far fewer calories than sweet varieties of cherries because of their lower content of sugar. They are rich in vitamin C, carbohydrates and water. Morellos also contain traces of fiber, protein, vitamin A, niacin, calcium, riboflavin, phosphorus, potassium, iron and vitamins B1 and B2.

100 g of Morellos contains 0.3 g fat ; 12 g carbohydrates, 1 g protein.
Growing Morellos
The Morello tree requires rich, well-drained, moist soil to thrive. It also requires more water and nitrogen than its cousin, the sweet cherry tree. While most varieties of cherry trees grow too large for a backyard, smaller varieties recently became available. These are suitable for growing in a garden and require regular maintenance, including protection of colors, fertilizing, weeding and fertilization of trees in the spring. Many gardeners prefer to grow Morellos, because they are less susceptible to pests and diseases than the sweet cherry.
Selection and storage of Morellos

Be careful when choosing Morellos. Buy those with isolated handles, ripe with rich and uniform color. Check for crushed ones and remove them. You need to know that the ripe cherry does not leak juice - it happens only to ripe fruit without a handle, or those with injuries and bruises. Buy Morellos and transport them in paper bags. The structure of the Morellos is very fragile, so be careful not to hurt them before you reach your home.
Morellos are very difficult to keep – lasting two days in the fridge, at most. They can also be frozen in the freezer for up to two weeks, and if candied, they can withstand longer.
Morellos in cooking
Eating Morellos fresh is a common practice in the Middle East. However, in some parts of Europe and the United States and Canada, Morellos are too acidic for most tastes. Therefore, they are most commonly used for cooking soups and dishes with pork.
The most popular Morellos consumption is associated with preparing them with sugar because then their natural acidity is balanced and they become very aromatic. Morellos and their syrup is a component of many different liqueurs, preserves, drinks and desserts.
Morellos can be eaten either alone or in fruit salads or with fresh juices with carrots, pears and tangerines. They are a great addition to granola with dates or raisins to soften the sour taste. Morellos are an amazing addition to many types of muffins, creams, cakes and cupcakes.
Benefits of Morellos
Morellos are a valuable dietary product. They contain minerals very favorable for a child's growing body. Morellos are useful in anemia, rickets and severe hepatitis. Infusion of Morellos quenches thirst and is given to patients with fever. Morellos and their juices have some antiseptic qualities. The high amount of potassium in Morellos makes them useful for the cardiovascular system. The content of more acids, and flavorings in them adds a nice flavor that whets the appetite and increases the secretion of digestive juices. Then, food is digested more quickly and easily.
Morello juice helps with insomnia. The drink is very useful because it increases the amount of melatonin in the body. According to some studies, people who drank Morello juice before bed were sleeping an average of 25 minutes before the rest. It is believed that regular consumption of Morellos not only protects the heart but prevents diabetes and some types of cancer.
Morellos have protective and curative effects against hypertension, rheumatism and atherosclerosis. Pectin acts in them as a slight laxative. Morellos are beneficial in kidney and liver diseases and their juice is expectorant action.
Morellos and weight loss
Morellos are found in many diets for weight loss. They are good for a diet because they contain a small amount of sugar. In addition, Morellos are very low-calorie - 52 calories in 100, they help to reduce weight, because they intensify the process of removing waste products from the gastrointestinal tract. Morello diet can be followed in three days.
Morellos and Folk medicine
In folk medicine, morello cherry juice itself is used as a cure for epilepsy and mental retardation. They have a sedative effect, which is explained by the large amount of copper, which is soothing to the nervous system. It is believed that Morellos are one of the best vehicles for heavy menstruation. Folk medicine fights arthritis with Morello juice and milk. A decoction of their fresh leaves in the form of pads stops nosebleeds and skin wounds.
The pips of cherries have long been used for colitis, inflammation and to strengthen the body. 10 pips are poured into a cup of boiling water, left for half an hour, drained and supplemented by another glass of water. The stones should never be broken, and be swallowed directly, because their core contains small amounts of poison.