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- Topatosubmitted the recipe: Chicken Rolls in Bacon8 years agoChicken Rolls in Bacon08.12.2016Rouladen
- Topatosubmitted the recipe: Acorn-Shaped Butter Treats8 years agoAcorn-Shaped Butter Treats08.12.2016Butter Cookies
- Topatosubmitted the recipe: Sweet Peaches with Nutella8 years agoSweet Peaches with Nutella08.12.2016Peach Cookies
- Topatosubmitted the recipe: Choco Cake with Semolina and Coconut8 years agoChoco Cake with Semolina and Coconut07.12.2016Chocolate Pastry
- Topatosubmitted the recipe: Dessert with Biscotti and Kiwi8 years agoDessert with Biscotti and Kiwi07.12.2016Other Desserts
- Topatosubmitted the recipe: Fancy Black and White Cake8 years agoFancy Black and White Cake07.12.2016Pastries
- Topatosubmitted the recipe: Cake with Drunk Pears8 years agoCake with Drunk Pears07.12.2016Pastries
- Topatosubmitted the recipe: Chocolate Balls with a Glaze8 years agoChocolate Balls with a Glaze07.12.2016Truffles
- Topatosubmitted the recipe: Roll with Mascarpone, Bananas and Chocolate8 years agoRoll with Mascarpone, Bananas and Chocolate07.12.2016Swiss Rolls
- Topatosubmitted the recipe: Red Velvet Crinkle Cookies8 years agoRed Velvet Crinkle Cookies07.12.2016Crinkle Cookies