15 Nov.
Rosi Stoyanova
HerbsAztec Marigold
14 Nov.
Rosi Stoyanova
14 Nov.
Rosi Stoyanova
Pheasant's EyePheasant's eye / Adonis Vernalis / is a perennial plant whose stems reach heights of up to 15. 7″ (40 cm). Pheasant's eye is also given as a soothing drug.
14 Nov.
ColumbineColumbine / Aquilegia / is a herbaceous perennial plant of the Ranunculaceae family. Columbine is recommended for leucorrhoea, menstrual disorders and eye diseases.
12 Nov.
EphedraEphedra / Ephedra distachya L. / is a protected plant species, and its collection is therefore forbidden. The therapeutic actions of ephedra are due to the contained ephedrine therein.
11 Nov.
Common HorehoundCommon horehound / Marrubium vulgare L. / is a perennial herb with a grey-green color. Common horehound is a valuable tool against bronchitis, whooping coughs, shortness of breath and laryngitis.
08 Nov.
VitexVitex / Vitex agnus-castus /, also known as Abraham's Balm, is a shrub with beautiful purple flowers. Vitex possesses the unique ability to correct hormonal imbalances in women, it is even used for the treatment of infertility.
06 Nov.
Common HorsetailCommon Horsetail / Equisetum arvense /, also called Field horsetail, is a perennial herb. Common horsetail is contained in numerous diuretic and anti-asthma teas.
04 Nov.
Shepherd's PurseShepherd's Purse / Capsella Bursa-Pastoris / is an annual or biennial plant with single stems up to 23. 5″ (60 cm) high. Shepherd's purse has a particularly good effect on tubercular haemoptysis.
01 Nov.
Lily of the ValleyLily of the Valley / Convallaria majalis / is a herbaceous plant of the Convallaria family. The flowers are used to treat epilepsy.
31 Oct.
BelladonnaBelladonna / Atropa belladonna / , also known as Deadly Nightshade, is a perennial herb with thick white roots. Its Latin name (Atropa belladonna) is owed to the ancient Greek goddess Atropos.
30 Oct.
Common ButterburCommon butterbur / Petasites hybridus / also called Bog rhubarb, Devil's hat and Pestilence wort, is a perennial herb with a fleshy creeping rhizome.
24 Oct.
IrisIris is an herbaceous perennial plant of the Iridaceae family. Iris adapts to indoor growing conditions very easily.
22 Oct.
ToadflaxToadflax / Linaria vulgaris / is a herbaceous perennial plant of the Linaria family. Toadflax is used as a mild laxative and diuretic agent, for gas and intestinal atony.
18 Oct.
GentianaPersian violet / Exacum affine / is a perennial plant that has glossy heart-shaped leaves. Among the 400 species of Gentiana, there are annual ones as well.
17 Oct.
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