»Culinary Collections»Pork Shank Cooked in Clay pot

Sprinkle the pork shank with 1 tsp paprika and black pepper. Pour on oil generously and smear with tomato paste....

Arrange the meat in an earthenware pot, add the vegetable mixture.
Bake at {200 °C} until the meat is ready....

Cover with the lid and put the clay pot in a lower part of the oven. Turn it on to {180 °C} and leave to bake for 2 hours....

Pour in 1 cup water, the tomato paste, 1 tsp salt and stir. Pour 1/2 the mixture into a clay pot....

Pour in the wine and 1 1/5 cups (300 ml) water.
Put the clay pot in a cold oven. Heat it to {200 °C} and bake until the meat is ready....

Once the shank in a clay pot is ready, debone the shanks and serve them with a glass of red wine.
Enjoy your meal!...

Put everything, along with the spices, butter and bone of the shank in a suitable clay pot with a lid. Salt and stir.
Add 1/2 cup water....

Put them at the bottom of a clay pot and sprinkle with salt, black pepper, savory and garlic cloves....

Chop the sauerkraut finely and put it in the clay pot. Add the spices and oil and stir....

Strain the broth from the boiling and pour in enough of it to cover the veggies.
Cap the clay pot and place in the oven....

Once the clay pot dish is fully cooked, sprinkle with white pepper before serving....
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