»Culinary Collections»Bavarian Schnitzel

Beat the egg yolks with the sugar and add the flour. Add this mixture to the warm milk and gelatin. Boil the entire mixture in a water bath until...

Boil the potatoes and cut them into cubes. Cut the bacon, pickles and mushrooms finely.
Stack the products in layers in a Teflon oven dish. Sprinkle...

Boil the potatoes and once they cool, peel and dice them coarsely. Put them in a suitable salad bowl.
Cut the onions into crescents, add them...

Mix the ground biscuits with the melted butter. Distribute the mixture along the bottom of a suitable form and put it in the fridge. Mix the mashed...

For the first dough (main dough), dissolve the yeast and sugar in the slightly warmed water. Pour the flour and mix, until a homogeneous and sticky...

Put the milk and sugar to boil. In separate bowl, beat the egg yolks well and while stirring continuously, add the milk. Put the mixture in a water...

Put the gelatin to swell with a little water, then melt it. In a separate pot, caramelize the sugar with 2/5 cup (100 ml) of water and mix until you...

Dissolve yeast in the cool milk and leave it for 10 minutes until it bubbles. Mix the flour into a bowl with the salt and sugar. Make a well in the...

Distribute the Bavarian chocolate cream into cake forms, in which you have put biscotti beforehand. Cool completely....
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