Iodine is part of the mineral salts group and unlike vitamins, fats and proteins, it has no nutritional value. At the same time, the human body cannot exist without mineral salts.
They stimulate the release of bile and gastric juice, help regulate the metabolic processes, maintain a proper pH level in the body and more.
An iodine deficiency disrupts thyroid gland function, causes goiters, weakens the body's immune system and according to the latest studies can even lead to cancer. That is why it's highly important to know what iodine is and how to get it.
Iodine belongs to the micronutrients, which along with iron, fluorine and copper are among the major mineral salts vitally important for our health.
They are present in small amounts in our bodies and we must learn to procure them from the outside world. The good news is there are large quantities of iodine in the salt that finds constant presence in our diet.
According to all claims by experts and nutritionists, we need to limit our use of salt. This is a fact. But to abstain from it completely is nearly impossible. It's a main seasoning added to almost all soups, stews, dishes.

It's good to know that using sea salt is recommended because it is not as harmful and will at the same time provide you with the right amount of iodine.
Iodine in large amounts is also found in fish and seafood delicacies, while their consumption is definitely healthy from any point of view.
The Japanese, who are the #1 consumers of fish and seafood, have been proven to be among the people who eat healthiest.
Iodine is especially healthy for children. Besides assuring the correct functioning of the thyroid gland, it plays a huge role in the mental development of adolescents.