Mulberry /Morus nigra L./ is a kind of angiosperms that belonging to the mulberry family. This group includes approximately 10 trees that are mainly distributed in subtropical parts of Europe, Asia, America and Africa.
These trees reach a height of about 15 meters, have stretched crowns, very thick grooved bark and stem. Their leaves are green and the fruits reach sizes between 3-5 cm. They are oblong, being delicious and juicy, with short petioles and many seeds. The fruits of the mulberry ripen from mid-June to early July.
It is believed that Mulberry was brought from India. They are cultivated, but can also be found wild. Mulberries are those sweet fruits that bring us back to the warm summer months when overhanging branches heavy with fruits hang down, waiting to be tasted. They combine a number of nutrients and have a slightly strange, but by no means a bad taste.
Types of Mulberry
There are two most common types of Mulberry. These are black Mulberry /Morus nigra L./ and white Mulberry /Morus alba L./. White mulberry leaves are large and bright, with rough hairs. It grows in warm places.
Composition of Mulberries

The fruits of the mulberry are extremely rich in vitamins. Particularly high is their content of vitamin A, C and B2. Minerals are best represented by phosphorus, sodium, potassium and magnesium. The peptides in the Mulberry include pectose.
Mulberry leaves contain aspartic acid, calcium carbonate, adenine, peptone and glucose.
100 g of mulberries contains 43 calories, 9.8 g carbohydrates, 88 ml of water, 1.44 g protein, 1.7 g fiber and 0.4 g fat.
Selection and storage of mulberries
Fresh mulberries can be met only during the summer months. Mulberries are very perishable fruits, so their consumption or processing must be performed immediately after recruitment/purchase. If you want to pick yourself some mulberries, spread a clean cloth under the tree branches and shake it vigorously.
However, in order to eat very tasty and undamaged mulberries, best pick manually. Remember that many black mulberries are stained. In some organic shops, you may encounter dried mulberries, which must be labeled with the product information.
Culinary uses of Mulberries
Besides fresh, a mulberry can be consumed in other forms. They are made of molasses, syrups, wine and jelly. It is possible to freeze them. From them, you can still make delicious juices and syrups.
We present a very delicious and easy recipe for black mulberry jam. To do this you need five kilograms of mulberries and 1.5 kg of sugar.
Preparation: wash and clean the fruit well, then mash it well with a large wooden spoon, or run them through a meat grinder. Cook them in a pint of water over low heat, constantly stirring them. Add the sugar and cook until full compression. Pour into small jars, seal and sterilize for about 5-10 minutes.

Benefits of the Mulberry
As we realized, the fruits of the mulberry are rich in many vitamins, so they are used in many recipes of folk medicine. Mulberry is a laxative and expectorant, diuretic, and sedative with hypoglycemic action. The fruits are often used in conditions such as bronchitis and primary forms of diabetes.
With the leaves of the mulberry, you can prepare potions that are useful for breathing, vitamin deficiency, and strengthen the immune system. The roots and bark of the tree are beneficial in sexual weakness. It is believed that consumption of mulberry is especially useful for cardiovascular activity.
Traditional medicine with Mulberries
For an infusion of Mulberry, you needed 2 tablespoons fruits, which are soaked with 400 ml of boiling water and leave for about topped one hour. Take the infusion four times a day, preferably before meals.
If you want a decoction of mulberry, pour 1 tablespoon chopped leaves with 250 ml of boiling water. Allow to cool and strain. Take small sips throughout the day. A decoction of mulberry is an excellent remedy for irregular menstruation and as already mentioned in breathing, vitamin deficiency and to strengthen the body.
Dangers of Mulberries
There were no serious risks from the consumption of mulberry, but it is important to know that according to the amount eaten, you can get constipated if the fruits are not ripe enough or too ripe to allow the opposite option.