Along with the mass hysteria of healthy eating and taking food with reduced fat, we often forget that fat does not always mean harm. Beneficial fats which our body needs and that actually have a key role in the proper functioning of our body are also neglected in the daily menu.
Whether due to ignorance, because of fashion trends in nutrition or simply because of the claim that fat is the key to some of the most common diseases of our century, the beneficial unsaturated fats are deficient in the bodies of many of us.
One of them is vitamin F, which is fat soluble and combines linoleic and arachidonic acid. Alpha-linolenic acid is part of the complex omega-3 and linoleic acid - omega-6.
These are the two polyunsaturated fatty acids that are part of the two types of essential fatty acids, so they are important to human health. They are called essential because the human body can not produce them itself, but supplements them with the food meal that it takes.

From these two acids in the composition of vitamin F, the body itself can not synthesize other polyunsaturated fatty acids, unfortunately, in large quantities. This is proper only for highly specialized cells such as nerves and cells that cover the arteries have this property. Therefore a deficit of essential fatty acids mean our heart vessels are threatened by atherosclerosis.
Essential fatty acids omega 3 and omega 6 are separately depending on the position of the double bond in the molecule. To maintain optimal health, our environment is set up so that it takes the presence of the ones and the others, and then in certain proportions.
These proportions are in the ratio of omega 6: omega 3 = 5: 1. It is argued in current diets, these proportions are in the ratio is 40-50: 1. The result is a range of different diseases.
The history of vitamin F began in the 20s of last century, when the spouses George and Mildred Boer found these useful and essential oils and gave them the accurate name Vitamin F - from the English fat.
In this "year of discovery" fame was garnered for vitamin B and thus, F remained somewhat in the shadows. Over time, it even fell from the list of vitamins which was corrected later.
The first observations on the beneficial effect of omega-3 fatty acids are made in Greenland, where Eskimos were examined. The final result proved that because of eating fatty fish and seal meat, which is rich in vitamin F, Eskimos are hardly affected by heart disease and blood pressure problems.
Vitamin F Sources
Vitamin F you can get from all the fatty foods of animal origin which diets typically shun. In addition, Vitamin F is contained in grape seed oil, flax oils and oils from seeds and nuts. Seeds like soybeans, walnuts, sesame and sunflower seeds are also loaded with essential fats. The useful avocado plant is an important source of vitamin F .

Omega-3 and Omega-6 you are able to get from some meat and especially fish - salmon, trout, mackerel and tuna contain many of these healthy fats. Always choose raw nuts before baked, because they can help you get vitamin F, which contains large doses of oil and walnuts.
In nature, omega-6 is contained in in the precious oil of cedar, which can be found in pharmacies. Ordinary peanuts, pistachios, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds are full of Vitamin F.
In addition to large doses of vitamin C and vitamin E, the French black grapes (currants) are a source of the precious fat vitamin F. In small amounts, you can find it in eggs, lard and butter .
Perhaps the most important source of vitamin F is flaxseed, which contains up to 45% oil. At this rate omega-3 reaches 55-60%, while omega-6 - up to 15%, omega-9 - about 10%. Saturated fat in it is only 10%. In addition, flaxseed contains many antioxidants, such as vitamins A, E and C, which have a protective function against vitamin F, as markets okislyanvane of oxygen.

Vitamin F Dosage
No specific dose of vitamin F, which one needs daily exists, but it is assumed that the optimal dose of unsaturated fat is 1-2 g daily. It is important to note that those who take more carbohydrates require larger amounts of vitamin F. Furthermore, the optimal absorption of vitamin F is achievable only if it is taken with vitamin E during meals. 20-30 g of oil, which is a source of vitamin F, is enough for your daily intake.
Vitamin F Benefits
Vitamin F is one of the most important regulators of health. It has a number of benefits - it helps the digestion of fats and participates in lipid metabolism of the skin. Unsaturated fats are very important for the processes of lactation and reproduction, but also manage to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. Not accidentally Vitamin F is successfully applied in the treatment of atherosclerosis and certain skin diseases such as eczema, ulcers and more.
The useful Omega-3 and Omega-6 are essential for cell membranes and nerve endings in the heart. The result is a restored cardiac rhythm and preventing problems in the long run. Vitamin F is essential for good function of blood vessels and airways, managing to improve blood clotting, regulating body temperature and immune response.
It has been shown that a successful preventive effect against diabetes, bronchial asthma, autoimmune and allergic diseases exists. Vitamin F has a positive impact on our appearance - it makes your skin supple and fresh, which is also true for hair.
It is known that Vitamin F is essential for the synthesis of hormones by the adrenal glands, which in turn are responsible for our sexual desire. Children and adolescents need to consume foods rich in healthy fats, because vitamin F participates in saturated fat burning.
Like vitamin D, vitamin F and prevents muscle cramps while delivering calcium into the cells. In addition, it improves heart rate and take preventive measures against heart disease, vitamin F reduces by half the number of angina attacks and increases resistance to physical exertion in patients. The vitamin is applied in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. It is estimated that only 1 tsp flaxseed oil per day decreased blood pressure in hypertensive patients by 10 units.
Vitamin F Deficiency

In the absence of vitamin F, and exacerbate all problematic situations mentioned above and that are affected by essential oils can occur. Its deficiency can cause acne, psoriasis or eczema. Many skin problems are associated with lack of vitamin F, and in poor body ratios of Omega-3 and Omega-6.
As symptoms of deficiency of vitamin F can be identified hair loss, kidney problems, heart and liver issues. There is a possible weakened immune system, even behavioral disorders. Shortage of beneficial unsaturated fats tend to increase your susceptibility to infections.
It is believed that with lack of vitamin F tear glands dry up, affecting blood pressure and blood cholesterol, which can be high. It also increases the likelihood of blood clots in the blood. Dry skin, dandruff or brittle nails are also indicative of a lack of vitamin F.
Overdose of vitamin F can not do you wrong but can "help" to pick up some weight.